Archive for the ‘Week 43’ Category

Big Squam -2012 Sunrise


Another shot from Big Squam on the way to work!


Love this place!

Week 43~ Caron Thomas

Posted: January 30, 2012 in Caron Thomas, Week 43

This is a box of completed bulbs. It has been so much fun doing these.


Week 43~ Gina Marin

Posted: January 30, 2012 in Gina Marin, Week 43

Week 43 – w.c. pelon

Posted: January 30, 2012 in w.c. pelon, Week 43

another Mac wallpaper

Week 43- Sue O’Connor

Posted: January 29, 2012 in Sue O'Connor, Week 43

Chosen One



I can write with recesses of memory-

broken swings and hearted-boys.


I can write with each ounce of

truth I tried to shake

out of your mouth.


I can write with lazy summer

days under a hot Tuscan sun.


I can write with dripping

dizziness memories of the way

I loved you.


I can write with meth-

lab nights and heroin



I can write with coffee stains.


I can write with twinkling

lights of good things past.


I can write with the icy

fingers of my righteous anger.


I can write with a broken, shy

little girl in a yellow, satin nightgown.


I can write with the loss of you.

Week 43 – Brian Weeks

Posted: January 26, 2012 in Brian Weeks, Week 43

Shadows of the New Apartment – Moving Day January 21, 2012

Week 43- Ashley Davene

Posted: January 24, 2012 in Ashley Davene, Week 43

If I were an Artist –

If every moment I were an artist

How would that mean I would live

If every color was endless

Would I give would I give

Would I live?

Would I paint to the top of the mountain

Would I swim with the whales in the sea

Like a flower that blooms and the petals that blow

Or the feather that floats and is free

Tint of dawn that erupts in the morning

Touch of day that waves into the night

Silver star that lights up our atmosphere

Radiant moon, lets us know we’re alright

If I could paint would I paint there

My orchestra

Broader strokes as the heat lifts with tune

If I were a painter would I be at that table

Taste of sunlight taste of paris

Taste of june

c. 2012  Ashley Davene

Week 43- Kevin Contreras

Posted: January 24, 2012 in Kevin Contreras, Week 43

Barrett-Jackson Auto Auction-  Badges

Week 43 – Elizabeth Fox

Posted: January 23, 2012 in Elizabeth Fox, Week 43

I saw that a few of the weeks weren’t open yet so I haven’t been submitting.  It also means that I’ve kind of lost track of which art piece came first.  So here is this.  I’ve gotten into playing Skyrim and I love it.  Here is a sketch I did in Illustrator of my character Argonaut.  There is also an accurate depiction of Lydia.


Week 43- Photobug Shar

Posted: January 23, 2012 in Photo Bug Shar, Week 43

So my friend say’s “I wish I could have something baby shower-ish like pin the tail on the donkey”… LOL this is what I came up with…

I found an image, colored it solid black and plotted 36 X 48 and printed small blue teddy bears to play pin the teddy bear on the pregnant belly!


Week 43- Kelly Bennett

Posted: January 23, 2012 in Kelly Bennett, Week 43


Week 43- Devin Eldridge

Posted: January 23, 2012 in Devin Eldridge, Week 43

Week 43- Betty Jarra

Posted: January 23, 2012 in Betty Jarra, Week 43


Week 43- Amber Perkins

Posted: January 23, 2012 in Amber Perkins, Week 43



Last month, my great aunt Teenie passed away. She was rockabilly before rockabilly existed. I now sport one of her ever-present, over-sized cocktail rings. I asked the family if I could have the tapestry of the bullfighter that had hung in her living room since before I was born. It now hangs in my studio, where every time I look at it, I am transported to my childhood, to that family home.