Posts Tagged ‘New england photography’

Beached Starfish 1

Beached Starfish 1


52 of 52!!!! WOOHOO. It’s been a fun year with a ton of great art! I am going to keep this going and continue to post one a week on my blog and on facebook.

Here is a new drawing, the first of many to come from a new series I am starting… After all, it is almost summer!!

The original drawing is available for purchase $40 and prints are available here.



Visually Impaired 2

Visually Impaired 2. Looking at Plymouth, NH from Holderness, NH at night.

Print available here.

Visually Impaired 2 Negative


Visually impaired 2-negative. I like this series very much and I intend on adding to the series- “Visually Impaired”.


Any questions please ask.



Big Squam -2012 Sunrise


Another shot from Big Squam on the way to work!


Love this place!

Town Docks Sunrise 12.22.11

It’s been quite busy this past month- happy New Year to everyone- and I haven’t had the time to draw or paint. In the middle of a move & the holidays I haven’t had much time for art. However, I was driving to work and as I was about to keep going on my way, I saw the sunlight beaming through the thick  clouds… I had to stop. It’s been a while since I’ve last took a photo of this wonderful place and as you can see by the date the photo was taken 12.22.11, this was taken right in the middle of my crazy life!

As I have photographed this location many times before, every photo is uniquely different and never exactly the same. However, because I have so many of these shots, I now must add the date to the title name!

Cheers to new beginnings and a prosperous 2012!

Winter Is Coming.

Winter Is Coming.

I was up in the notch a couple of weeks ago and I snapped this photo. I was going to post it last week, however, I have been creating a ton of art lately. Anyway, here it is.


Enjoy and happy holidays.