Archive for the ‘Geekmaster Newz’ Category

Well, Geekz and Geekfanz–

As of tomorrow we will begin uploading our 52nd and final week of TGAP 3.  Can you believe it?  I just wanted to encourage anyone who is at all behind to try to catch up and post that last week’s submission before next Sunday, March 25th.  My hubby and I just caught up this weekend– having both gotten ourselves many weeks behind– and I can tell you, it feels great!  I hope you all will be able to do the same.

After we complete this little adventure, perhaps we could take a couple weeks– say, until the middle of April– to review each other’s Workz and leave some feedback in the comments.  It’s always nice to hear what others have to say.  After that it might be nice to schedule some sort of event, as we did after the first TGAP, for those of us who are close enough to attend.  I’ll work on scheduling that and keep you posted.

Congratulations on a job (almost) done, Folkz!


–the GM

Week 47 Update Tardy, but Done!

Posted: February 21, 2012 in Geekmaster Newz

Howdy, Geekz!

Just wanted to apologize for a slightly late update.  I do have an excuse– and it’s one I’m glad to have– because I just FINALLY landed a new job!  Yay!  Of course, it throws my whole schedule into flux, but I can assure you that I will work it all out and get back to executing my Geekmasterly duties in a timely manner.  Thanks for your understanding, everyone!

–the GM

Hello, All–

I have been lax in updating the site these past two weeks, and I wanted to apologize to Geekz and fans alike.  I have now caught up and created a Week 43 category, submissions for which are due this Sunday, January 29th.  I’m sorry if my tardiness confused anyone about what’s due when, and if you have any questions you can contact me.  (PS- I haven’t been checking my geekmaster mail, either, so apologies if I’ve missed anything.  I’m checking it as soon as I finish this post.)

Happy Creating, folks.

–the GM

Two things…

Posted: December 19, 2011 in Geekmaster Newz

1.  Sorry, everyone:  I somehow managed to forget to create a Week 38 category when I updated last Monday.  There is one now, with “submission pending” posts for all of you to modify, and I even remembered to create Week 39, as well. (Please do not beat me too severely; it was an honest mistake.)

2. My brother and fellow Geek posted the following image on my facebook page, with the caption, “I think this sums up the spirit of the TGAP quite nicely, with a bit of wordplay to boot.”  I agree, which is why I am sharing it here.  Happy Holidays, everyone!

A Geekmaster apology

Posted: November 16, 2011 in Geekmaster Newz

I’d like to apologize to you all, wonderful Geekz, for not updating the site this week until today.  Mike finally has some time off from work, so we’ve been enjoying doing as much “nothing” as possible, and I neglected to update ’til just now.

I hope I haven’t confused things; just to clarify, we are indeed on Week 34 for uploading artwork.  I have posted “Submission Pending” posts for anyone who had not yet posted Week 33, and there is now a Week 34 category available in which to post this week’s submissions.

Mike’s off next week, too, but I’ll try to be more timely with my update!

…I have added a fun little section to the TGAP site.  Check out the “Procrastination Puzzles” page by clicking the link below:

Howdy, Geekz and Geek-watchers!

It’s hard to believe it, but we are over halfway to our goal of a piece of art a week for 52 weeks.  I am so proud of everyone!  Thanks to all the hardworking Geekz, we are proving the TGAP theory: all creativity needs is a deadline.

As we begin the homeward stretch, so to speak, I want to remind all of the Geekz who have yet to step up to the challenge that you are still welcome to create and post a TGAP logo.  When you post it, please be sure not only to include it in your category and the correct week’s category, but also in the TGAP Logo Challenge category.  Check out the ones that have already been submitted; if you are looking for inspiration, it’s a good place to find some.

A huge thanks to everyone who has been following our little artz project.  We appreciate your support, your comments and the chance to share our creativity with, well… whoever will let us!

Onward and upward, Geekz!  If we’ve made it this far, I know we can make it the rest of the way.

–the GM

Our sympathies to Betty

Posted: August 23, 2011 in Geekmaster Newz

Please be sure to view Betty Jarra’s Week 21 submission, a moving tribute to her very close friend, Stig, who died this past weekend.  This humble Geekmaster’s heart goes out to her as she grieves this loss, as I’m sure all of the Geek’s hearts do.

Just a Bump in the Road

Posted: August 1, 2011 in Geekmaster Newz

Hello, all.  You may have noticed that a few of the Geekz have moved from Artistz to Guest Artistz.  At this point in the project– admittedly, partly to make my geekmastering duties a little easier– we have moved anyone who is significantly behind in their weekly submissions to the Guest Artistz category.

Take heart, though– if you are one of those artistz, there is nothing to say you can’t catch up now and move back to full TwinGeek status.  If you need guidance just email me at, and I’ll be glad to do whatever I can to help.

So to all the Geekz, remember: we’ve made it more than a quarter of the way now.  Getting behind is just a bump in the road, and I know you all can throw it into four-wheel drive and cruise right over that sucker! 🙂

This week, many of the Geekz are marking the passage of a dear friend.  I think it’s only right to extend our deadline this week to Wednesday, to give those of us who are sleep-deprived and hurting a little more time to get those submissions in.

I’ll do my regular Geekmasterly “submission pending”s Wednesday night.

Huge hugs to all of you who knew Sue.

–the GM

Nine weeks in, and we’re still pulling in “new talent”!  Welcome to Sue O’Connor, who is just crazy– and Geeky– enough to jump in midstream and post enough art to catch her up to the rest of us, even though we’re 15% of the way into the year.  (Yes, folks, we’ve made it 15% of the way.  Steady, now… only 43 more weeks to go.)

We’re glad to have Sue with us!

Onward and Upward…

Posted: May 21, 2011 in Geekmaster Newz

…or perhaps, as his album title says, “Onward to Yesterday”. 

     While I am very sad to have to announce that one of our original Geekz, Jim Tyrrell, will no longer be a full-time participant in TGAP 3, I am thrilled to announce that the reason for his departure is the start of his 2011 tour, which commences Memorial Day weekend.

     The pressures of “The Road”, presumably, will be plenty to handle without worrying about a weekly project deadline.  Jim will be continuing to participate as a guest artist, and I, for one, am hoping we’ll see some posts of live performances from the tour!  Pleeeease?

Click here for tour details

To our most recent victim…er, participant.

R.A. Matheson brings our number to an even two dozen, and we warmly welcome him aboard this rickety ship of creative madness.  Matheson has submitted not only the six weeks’ submissions necessary to catch him up to the rest of us, but also week seven, making him the first to post for the upcoming deadline.  Impressive.  Rick, I think you’re gonna fit in just fine!

A TGAP Challenge

Posted: May 1, 2011 in Geekmaster Newz

This week, dear Readers, I direct you in particular to the submission of one Brian Weeks, in which “the gauntlet is thrown down”. The gauntlet to which I am referring heralds the first (hopefully of many) TGAP 3 theme challenge.

A few Geekz have already graced us with their versions of the TGAP logo; now you are all being challenged to create one of your own! Their is no deadline for this challenge (well, other than the end of the 52-week project itself), nor are you obligated to participate. If the muse speaks to you, great; if not, just enjoy the creations of your fellow Geekz.

Go forth, Geekz, and multiply! (…the logo, that is…)

     As I type this I am watching just about the fattest phoebe I’ve ever witnessed flicking its tail as it perches on the wire outside my porch window.  I think its presence is a good reminder to enjoy all the life returning to our world as spring takes hold, and now I’ve decided to pass the reminder on to all the Geekz, so that your creative contemplation about your next submission doesn’t keep you from looking up once in a while to enjoy the view.

     Enjoy the coming week, take time to appreciate the abundance all around you, and I wish you all a Happy Spring Equinox, Easter, Passover, Festivals of Isis and of Ishtar, (if I neglected to list it, insert your preferred holiday here) and of course…

Happy Week 4 of TGAP!

–the Geekmaster

The Prodigal Geek

Posted: April 18, 2011 in Geekmaster Newz

     The Geekmaster has finally received word from Robert Gauvin that he will indeed be participating as a full-fledged Geek, not a Guest Artist; hence, “Submission Pending” posts have been posted for him for Weeks 1 and 2, which he says he is ready to post.  Let’s be benevolent and give him an extra day before the scarlet letters appear for Week 3.

     We look forward to his contributions and happily welcome him back into the fold!

–the GM

…well, it’s… Creative!

     Geek Brian Weeks broke with tradition by giving us a “Week 2.5” submission– a reworking of his piece from Week 2.  Now, that’s the spirit!  Creativity may indeed need a deadline, but sometimes we also just have to step out of the way and let it do its thing.   Thanks, Brian.

     This week, you can join in the fun of breaking with tradition by helping Geek Robyn Anne Piper choose her quotation for Week 3.  That’s right, folks: Interactive TGAP-ing!   Cast your vote for one of the seven options in the comments section of her Week 3 post by midnight April 23rd.  (A reminder to the Geekz: please log out of WordPress before posting comments and leave them under your own name, not “TwinGeekz”.)  The winning quote will be posted when she uploads her piece for Week 4.  Let your voice be heard!

Keep up the good work, everyone.

–the Geekmaster

… and all things considered, we’ve done quite well.  We had a few uploading issues, and because of that I’d like to mention here that Rachael Peabody’s submission is not officially late because she had technical difficulties.  Robert Gauvin, too, has a “grace period” because he was a late join.  I’m giving them each an extra day.  We look forward to seeing what they have for us.

In light of the above, that means almost every Geek’z submission made it on time for week 1.  Way to go, folkz!

First Submission is Here!

Posted: April 1, 2011 in Geekmaster Newz

Congratulations to Brian Weeks for being the first to post a submission!  Be sure to check out everyone’s Week 1 submissions after the April 3rd midnight deadline. We’re off and running, folks!

That’s right, folks– only ten days ’til the first submission deadline.  If you’re already a Geek, please check the site to be sure that your name appears as you’d like, that your Bio is correct (ahem… or even there, for those of you who have yet to submit one), etc., etc. and so on.  Remember, if you’ve yet to commit you only have until April 1st.


Well, there’s no turning back  now, so all I have to say is…

“Second star to the right, and straight on ’til morning!”